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Camden Lifestyle :::

Camden Shops :::

Regents Park Village in Primrose Hill
by Mandy

Hidden round the back of Camden is this rather exclusive area, only 5 minutes walk from the Stables Market but feels a million miles away. Primrose Hill is a tranquil and peaceful park, an amazing vantage point to see London in all its glory and also has some great shops to discover, should you find yourself 'in the money'…

The area around here is referred to being Regents Park Village, and there is definitely a small town village atmosphere as you stroll around. Most shops are located down Regents Park Road, bordered as it is by Primrose Hill at one end and the canal at the other. However the view of this delightful road is obscured by all the parked Range Rovers and BMW's, all the better to hide those sought after celebrities that thrive in this small area!

The shops vary from clothes collections to pet stores, luxury items to interior furnishing. Everything has that unique feel to it, but don't expect a bargain. Here you pay for quality as some of the clothes boutiques I went in to had gorgeous clothes that were so desirable, and so out of my price range! But here you can be assured that although you will be completely in fashion, no one else will be wearing the same. Worth paying more for in some cases…

So if you are looking to be chic and unique, wanting to impress with beautiful quirky handmade cards and have an item in your home that everyone will admire - here is the place to see it and be it.


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