movie, bar, restaurant, info

List a business or venue

By: MyVillage

We try to keep our listings up to date but we will always need help identifying new venues and businesses. If you know we are missing somewhere please add it here.

Your E-mail Address: *
What is the name of the venue? *
What is the main business category or activity of the venue? (i.e pub, park, restaurant or accountants) *
What is the first line of the address?
(put in as much as you know)
What is the second line of the address? (put in as much as you know)
What is the city or town where it is located?
What is the post code?
(if you dont know it leave it blank)
What is the main contact telephone number? (if you dont know it leave it blank)
Does the venue have a website?
(if you dont know it dont worry)

* Required
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Established 12 years and specializes in chinese and thai cuisine, order online!
3 Northview Parade London N7 0QA
Highly professional door supervisors close protection retail & private security
2 crutched friars London EC3N 2HT
tel.: 0844 555 3007
Base pizza - quality italian food, thin crust pizzas and pasta, order online!
Freshly prepared and authentic indian food, order online!
310 Archway Road Highgate N6 5AU
tel.: 020 8348 3444
London based professional cleaning service, for the home and office.
Davina House 137-149 Goswell Road EC1V 7ET
tel.: 0800 043 1094
Free venue finding service for birthdays corporate events club nights
tel.: 0706 200 1111
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